Monday, September 18, 2006

What Three Means

Right now, someone is experiencing Threes. Actually having it happen to them, partially realizing it, and blocking it. Many of us are having this happen, every single day.

I will share what the Angels have told me. Forgive me for the imperfection of my translations, for I am not fully evolved yet, and I am prone to mistakes. Still they consider me worthy so I must soldier on.

All creatures on this Earth have a purpose. Humans are the only creature on this Earth that actually can fight this purpose. In the so-called lower animals we call this drive to purpose instinct, a part of the natural balance. These animals are more in touch with God than we are, as a matter-of-fact, simply by being attuned with their purpose, by not fighting their purpose.

Sometimes, actually, most of the time, we fight our purpose out of fear. Fear of change. Fear of ridicule. Fear of failure. Fear of whatever. The Fear of the unknown being perhaps the greatest fear of all.

When three people close to you begin to channel Angels, one after the other and begin to tell you similar things don't you think you had best start listening? When things start happening in threes you had best perk up your ears and pay attention for God and His Angels are knocking on your door. Best to go with the flow.

There is a current flowing on Earth. This current is a mixture of our Free Will and the Divine Will of God working together. This is the Positive Energy from which His Love flows, from which all Life flows. This is the stuff from which we come and to whence we go. We are free to swim with it, and this is what it means to be with God. Enter into this current and life becomes Heaven on Earth. Blessed.

Angels have a word for those who swim against the current. Actually it is a word we humans have coined. Mind you we are free to swim against the current. They do not hold it against us, indeed for some of us it is needful to do so. Still, the Angels agree that our word is apt for this action of counter current swimming.

They call that hell.

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