Sunday, September 17, 2006


Oh the wonders of it. Angels must be morning entities. Just past 0230h here, and I was gently nudged awake by Them. Actually it was Pennance doing the nudging whilst Michael stood watch, grinning like the prankster He can be. Of course I awoke completely refreshed and full of wonder at the image of the two of them, so child like and yet so Mighty in Their Divinity. So full of Love too. They filled me with Love and Peace and that was the message that I was to write here, after doing a bit of reading. A bit of inspirational reading.

So, there you have it. Today's word.


Spread the word.

Accept some of it yourself too. Makes a world of difference.

Can't sleep now, too full of love, and the coffee is ready. One thing you folks have to get used to when you start talking with Angels. All the giggling and laughter. You start walking around with a big grin on your mug. People start asking you who you really are. What have you done with so and so? You are going to hear this often.


Go. Start spreading the love.

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