Thursday, September 14, 2006


Today is the day after a day of Tribulations here in this country. We have had a school shooting in Montreal. A young woman is dead, several people have been maimed, injured in body, spirit, and mind. Of course it is become the Main Story on the news.

Spare a thought for the families of the slain. Pray for the soul of the slain, and the slayer. This will be controversial to many, I know, I know. Be at peace. Both need it. We need to move beyond this if we are to progress towards the positive energy that is God.

One thing that struck me as I listened to the radio reports this morning on the CBC was how several witnesses talked about the miracles that occurred yesterday. How the carnage would have been much worse if the in-between class bell had rung a couple minutes sooner. How the death toll would have risen if the police had not charged right in after the slayer. These witnesses call these miracles.

I think that we are going to hear about more miracles. Not just out of this tragedy, but world-wide. There is a movement afoot, and it is tied to Angels. It is tied to the Second Coming of Christ, which is not a physical event but a spiritual event. This Second Coming is about the Evolution of the human mind, the human spirit. Soon, more and more people will encounter Angels in their lives, and more and more sightings of Angels will be seen. God himself will then be encountered.

Our mind has to evolve for this to happen. I do not know why but I am told by the Angels that this is so. I do not have a time frame for all of this but I have the feeling that it is soon, and within my lifetime. Seeing as how I may not have a full lifetime then it may be sooner than all of us may think. I know that my evolution is taking place extremely quickly. I suspect that others in the same position as I am in are experiencing the same rapid growth in powers, insights.

In a sense this is the End of Days. Has this Time not been one of Tribulations? Have the Horsemen not been loosed upon this world? Did the Lord our God not say he would protect us and save us? And so He shall. The End of Days is not the end of the world, nor the death of all that is Good and Holy. This is the start of something Good and Holy.

This is the start of a whole New World.

Rejoice! The End is Nigh!

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