River View
Sometimes the messages I get from Pennance and Michael are just for my own spiritual growth. Sometimes not. Either way I have to interpret their messages through various human filters. All of these filters are subject to human failings, primarily the human ego. Though I am learning to suppress ego, I am not yet a master of that skill. I may never be. I am, after all, human.
Oh yes, enlightenment has brushed by my mind. To be certain. And I have re-discovered the path to the Source. Once that is found, it can never be lost again. What we find in the gentle waters of this Source is extremely satisfying to body, mind, and soul. It is a balm for all that ails us. Fear falls away like the scabrous lesion that it is, healed by love.
There is a strong desire, once in this river, to just float along. See the sights, and see them with new eyes. Oh, aye, there is a current to this flow. Quite strong. To go along with the flow of this Source is to join our Free Will with the Will of God. As an aside I will mention the Ten Commandments of Christianity and the 16 Precepts of Buddhism here. Swimming in the river, you will naturally follow those laws. Without effort. Not only that, but just trying to follow those laws will bring you to the banks of the Source, if you are not here already.
Neat, huh?
You knew I would put that in here somewhere. You had to know. If you are coming back here again and again you had to know. You did. There, I wander.
Because of our Free Will we are permitted to swim against the flow. God, in His Wisdom, allows this. This is His gift to us. Keep also in mind that He does not judge us when we do such things. The idea of Judgement is purely a human construct. God loves us. All of us. Even the bad ones. The ones that swim against His Will.
We call them bad. God also calls them His children. Them too. Not just the folks who sail down the river, sail along in His Will.
But now I will digress a wee bit.
It is a truth that God loves us. Deeply. And God has created all things, both seen and unseen by us. Some of these things are both seen and yet unseen. They are felt. One of those things seen-yet-unseen is what I wish to talk a bit about.
We have a name for this seen-yet-unseen Being. Yes, Being. Our perception is of a female Being. Yes, I am speaking of Gaia. Mother Earth. God-created. Living. Sentient. Loving. Incredibly powerful.
Right now, pissed off. At us.
God does indeed love us, but Gaia is not obliged to love us! Only the love and mercy of our Creator keeps her from destroying us completely when we piss her off. Do not get me wrong. She is not an evil creature. She does not hate us. She loves all things that grow and prosper and live and let live. She respects all those who love God. She can even respect those who do not know God but live in balance with her. Giving and taking in accordance with God's will.
There are people on this earth who are pissing Gaia off. Swimming against the current of the Source. She will only take so much of this. Warnings she gives aplenty in the form of natural disasters. Earthquakes, tsunami, floods, volcanoes, poisonous gas emanations from deep below. Just to name a few. These are warnings. Consider where they are happening, and what is happening in those regions. These are wake up calls to the people in those regions, and to the world in general.
Smarten up people. Embrace the waters of the Source. Swim with the current. It is not too late. It is not. Right now, Gaia has given us a chance at peace. We can start by making peace with each other. I call upon people of all faiths to turn from the way of war and intolerance. Come take a swim in the waters of the Source. The waters are clean, pure, and they will wash away your fears.
Come and meet God. In this world.
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