On The Nature of Evolution and Angels
On The Nature of Evolution and Angels
Many of you who are interested in Angels and connecting with Angels will have one thing especially in common. That one thing is a long standing experience with Depression. Especially the kind of Depression that does not respond well to various medications. The sort of deep blues that is not related to a specific situation or cause that you can identify. Yes, it can be worsened by events, or drugs, or alcohol.
You may even be suicidal.
If you are suicidal, I urge you to get professional help right now. There is excellent help to be had from the medical community. Stay in touch with others, by all means, but follow the advice of your doctors. This is imperative.
At this point I am going to share with you something that is going to rock your world. It is not going to be accepted by the medical community and I will not even try to argue it. It is enough for me that Angels have told me it is so. I will also lose quite a few of you here, and that is okay. This message is not for everyone. Those of you who are ready for the truth will see it.
Depression is not an illness.
Want more? Sure.
Our mind is evolving, as is our spirit. This is part of God's plan for us. This evolution will bring Him closer to us and us closer to Her. The way our body senses this evolution of the mind is complex. Picture the evolving mind as expanding foam, each bubble having to be bridged with new neural bridging. This is a time consuming process. Of course the picture I describe is simplistic in the utmost.
Chemical processes are involved and in a state of flux, which leads to the feelings of depression. Actually we would not be feeling blue if it were not for the influence of the Ego in us. The Ego being the consciousness that belongs to the mind.
Depressed persons tend to be labelled as mentally ill. They often are not. As a rule they are intelligent, educated, sophisticated, sensitive, and introspective. They are artists, scientists, educators, mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, sons, and daughters. Indeed, they exist across the spectrum of occupations and personalities.
Sometimes we are shunned for what we suffer. We are judged by others. Non-depressed persons do not understand us. It is a common refrain amongst depressed people everywhere.
It is okay to feel sad, tearful, alone. It is really okay to have a lousy memory. These things are going to pass, it is only temporary. Your mind is evolving into something wondrous. This is a process. If you will open your heart and your mind and your soul and reach out, then you can and will have a relationship with your Angels and with God. That is why your mind is changing. That is why we are evolving. To have that relationship.
There are many many books and online resources available for any who wish to learn how to contact their Angels. One that I recommend is Interview with an Angel by Steven Thayer and Linda Sue Nathanson. Another is a Cd rom called The Halo Effect vol 1 by Jennifer Clark. I would gladly share what I know with anyone who contacts me.
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